Download e-book for iPad: Ecology of Australian Freshwater Fishes by Keith Walker,Paul Humphries

By Keith Walker,Paul Humphries

This edited quantity experiences our earlier and current realizing of the ecology of Australian freshwater fishes. It compares styles and approaches in Australia with these on different continents, discusses the neighborhood relevance of ecological versions from the northern hemisphere and considers how top to control our species and their habitats within the face of present and destiny threats. In view of those demanding situations, the necessity for redress is urgent.
The chapters are written by means of a few of our ideal researchers and executives, constructing topics that underpin our wisdom of the ecology, conservation and administration of fish and fish habitats. for every topic, the authors formulate a synthesis of what's identified, ponder the necessity for brand new views and establish gaps and possibilities for learn, tracking and administration. the subjects have an Australian context yet draw upon principles and rules built via fish biologists in different elements of the world.
The technological know-how of freshwater fish ecology in Australia has grown quickly from its roots in common historical past and taxonomy. This ebook deals an advent for college kids, researchers and bosses, one who the authors wish will hold Australian fish biology and source administration to new degrees of understanding.

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Ecology of Australian Freshwater Fishes by Keith Walker,Paul Humphries

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